Michele Tafoya Braves The Cold

Imagine yourself preparing for the upcoming Minnesota winter. You bundle yourself up with a sweater and jacket followed by a scarf, hat, and earmuffs. You finally trudge toward the closet to fetch a nice pair of gloves only to find that you are so bulked up with winter layers that you move at an obscenely slow, turtle-like rate. Is it possible to avoid the overwhelmingly uncomfortable feeling of wearing numerous layers? ...
Michele Tafoya, the sportscaster for NBC Sports, found a way! During the notoriously cold Vikings-SeaHawks game a couple years ago, Tafoya successfully braved the sub-zero temperatures of the Minnesota winter by wearing cold-weather gear produced by WSI Sports. She is an avid supporter of WSI Sports and personally vouches for the quality, Made-In-USA products even saying that they "saved her" the day of the big game!
One key factor which plays a part in the success of our products is the light-weight feel of the fabric. Our light, cold weather gear, not only removes the need for excessive layering but also increases mobility when you are out and about. Another key factor which plays a part in the success of our products is the fibers within the fabric which heat up as they come into contact with the skin. Our patented HEATR® technology is so effective that it is 40% warmer than any other fabric on the market. Now that's hot!
Click here to hear more about Michele Tafoya's experience with our products!